Descriptive Essay About A Person -Sample Essay -

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That’s why I can’t even think about dedicating this descriptive essay about a person I admire to anyone else! Standing at five-foot-six, my grandmother, Alice, is still stable and doesn’t need a walking stick even though she’s above her 70s now. The active health enthusiast vegan still looks fine, especially with her slender body and long grey hair. Probably because her face is round, she looks smiley and friendly to everyone who looks at her. Also, the wrinkles are still too shy to appear. Her cute little brown eyes give you the impression of a kind mother who wants the best for her family. The casual clothes she wears match up with her love for house chores and work, which makes you wonder how hardworking she could have been in her prime. Her teenage and early adulthood photos portray a beautiful career woman in her prime. She loved to stay in line with her spectacular but decent choice of fashion that made her unique in her generation.

Today, it’ easy to tell because she dresses in a way that many people he wouldn’t match. She still retains her class and grandeur even in her old age. But her love for elegance has never stopped her from interacting with the lowly in the seat. She’s the kindest person I have met, and her empathy is one in a million. She helps everyone in need, and I am the living testimony of that, mainly because she adopted me at the age of two! My grandmother is so generous that she could even give her plate more food to strangers and stay without it herself. how to write a descriptive essay introduction welcomed many homeless people to my home and helped the neighbors whenever they were in need. Whenever I need a confidant, it’s to her that I talk. She’s a great secret keeper and our eyes counselor. She always keeps telling me that God will solve everything, but; that I have to be ready to do the work myself.

The devout Christian is so much into the Bible that you’d think she is a walking encyclopedia and theologist. And the good part is that she lives by her words and will always try to do good to everyone she meets. My uncles and aunties testify that she was such a conservative parent who was quite loving and protective. Her disciplinarian tendencies could not there become delinquent. She never shied away from punishing and correcting them whenever the need arose. And, the funny part is that she would tell them she only punished the wrong things they did and not her lovely kids. In short, I have a grandmother who is the rock of my life. She is the woman that raised me from infancy to the adult I am. She has contributed significantly to my compassion, analytical mind, and overall personality. Special people like my grandma exist to mold us into the best character we can attain. The kind, generous, influential, and highly-spirited woman she reminds me to leave a good legacy behind me.

Over the years, she’s taught all her kids and me that it is possible to go through tough times without breaking. Her character, thoughts, and prayers have been the fortress in which our family stands. That’s why, today, I write this descriptive essay about a person to assert that it’s grandma I admire most! My essay thesis is the personality of James( by explaining his caring, emotional, strong, and funny nature). My essay is organized around this central theme. James is my elder brother who is three years older than me. We have stayed together since we were born and therefore I know him inside and out, including his behavior, personality, and traits. We are more than just family and treat each other as friends. As such, we confide in each other and I therefore know all his secrets and how he handles various situations. On the same note, I can explain to one the exact image or appearance of James because his physical appearance or image is stuck in my mind, having lived together with him for about two decades now.